Sleep does not come easy to me. I try all the strategies to encourage nocturnal bliss . No screens an hour or so before bed. No alcohol - or caffeine after 12 noon. Light meals early evening or late afternoon. Activity during the day including walking the dog and some exercise ..
Now that we have settled our cats using feline behavioral strategies (keeping bedroom doors closed and not succumbing to their histrionic whines at 3 am .) Sleeping more soundly may be on the upswing!
I tend to sleep lightly and wake easily to any household noises. Ear plugs don’t seem to help and usually fall out during the night. (Also our Jack Russell eats them)!
I have a busy mind - which often cannot be settled as long as its 3am !
I refuse to believe it’s just because I’m older that my sleep is less satisfying-but I notice from all the sleep aids in the pharmacies I can’t be the only one who struggles!
I do recall a time when I just drifted off and didn’t think much of it. (Before I was a mother I think ;-)
I believe I have finally found the solution in the form of a super noisy jet propelled portable air filter-which at least muffles noises outside the bedroom door. It’s kind of like white noise on steroids. It dulls the sound of cats meowing at door..
As a result -2 blissful nights of solid sleep. I can’t begin to tell you what a difference this makes to the following days..
No issues for these two with sleep..!
What are your strategies for a restful sleep experience?
My enthusiasm and energy for making art is definitely affected by my being rested..or not. Often to make up for lost sleep I compensate with with caffeine (coffee ) which in turn is hard on my stomach and restarts the cycle.
I have a little more mental space to make art too now that my attention is not distracted in the same constant way by my iphone or social media . My only dedicated time to the phone now is in the early morning with my first coffee. I look at my email, respond to messages, and spend a little time with alternative news choices and Substack .
I sometimes write in my journal too..Or record my dreams in another journal if they are interesting or make me laugh..
It’s been quite frosty outside(-15 degrees) here in rural Ontario,Canada and too chilly for long walks. I miss this. The indoors provide both opportunity to make art and invitation for lethargy to set in - especially if I spend too much time sitting. The other day offered a nice boost when I bundled up for a short walk in the crisp sunshine .
Here’s to Community and real live people !
This week our in person urban sketch group will be meeting at a local gallery to draw together indoors and this provides another opportunity to commune with other artists! .
I have been working on two concertina pieces for our Jetpack online club- and am appreciating taking it slow and considering my subject, media while I assemble my thoughts. We have only met twice so far via Zoom but I am loving yet another form of connecting with art peers and watching the group evolve!
The art that I have been making..
I have been using B&W photocopies of my own sketches of “home “ and painting them for the “My world theme” in our concertina project
Also playing with bits of paper scraps paint and ink.. Just experimenting and playing
This play sometimes leads to other things..
A couple of pages from my mixed media art book ..
I find this art play invaluable for getting unstuck . Within this play I feel connected to colour and texture again lines that have a mind of their own
Yet another form of community ..
Time spent at our weekly peace rally outdoors for an hour Saturday was chilly on my feet but my heart was toasty from the camaraderie of others.
If sometimes you wish to do more…
There is a “donate what you can’’ live charity draw hosted by Sarah Dyer Illustrator January 21st Tuesday 8-9 pm GMT -The money raised will go to an organization called Coffees for Gaza . There is more info on her link -I have attended 3 of her live draws so far and can attest that they have all been quite wonderful. Info and registration can be found here: palestine charity draw #5
The postal service seems to be in good standing and caught up now after the strike if you care to take a look at my shop this way to my art!
Thanks for reading Ageless Artist
Yours in art,
I use mild thc/cbd gummies, shut the door (same cat issue, plus the Beagle/Junkyard dog gets all dramatic when the cat is in the room!) I do have sleep headphones that I hide in the drawer when I don't use them, Max the mutt also loves the taste of technology. I try to go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time. For the most part, this helps me sleep (painlessly) through the night.
Magnesium glycinate