Thank you, and I totally get the trauma of this genocide...what a big hearted person you are.

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Thank you Lydia ..my heart just grew a big larger ! :-)

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Thank you Heather for your kind thoughts and recommendations. I feel very honoured and humbled to be placed along side such great journalists like Caitlin Johnstone and Jonathon Cook. ❤️❤️

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You are so deserving of recognition for your brilliant insight and writing George Thank you !!

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Thank you Heather - it’s very rare to come across someone so genuine and authentic with real integrity as yourself. Let’s not forget brilliant either. Your support and friendship is my perfect gift. 😊😊

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Thank you, a stirring message.

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Thank you kindly Sharon

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Thank you to everyone who has messaged me privately with your thoughts and support .

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I appreciate your concern and grief over Gaza. I, too, am horrified on a nightly basis. Jewish friends I know are also horrified. Two things can be true at the same time: The Oct. 7 attack was terrorism and depraved, and the continuing bloodbath is an outrage. But as a journalist for 35 years. in my opinion no news blackout exists that I know of. In fact, more than a hundred journalists have lost their lives covering the conflict. The "media conspiracy" theory of a vast organized effort to black out the news is ridiculous to anyone who has been a journalist. We barely have the organizational ability to make our beds. And we would run over a grandmother for a pulitzer. I read five newspapers a day and routinely find network news to be vacuous and shallow - I much prefer the NewsHour on PBS for in-depth coverage of anything.

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