My seasonal and beyond theme is “nurture”
I have been taking 10 minutes every morning to stretch into the day. It simply involves rolling out my mat in the art room and lowering myself to the floor. I’ve noticed a huge difference in my approach to my day and the absense of achiness.
10 minutes ..When a couple of months ago I would find myself stretched out on the couch scrolling social media and news for over an hour with my coffee. I continue to savour my first coffee of the day but my time in front of my phone is shorter -and dedicated to reading a few newsletters here on Substack.
I made some festive cards for local delivery, am starting to cook from scratch more -soups, pumpkin and banana loaf, veggie lasagna and a lovely broccoli casserole from a recipe gifted by a friend.
I am truly enjoying the prospect of growing and attending to a new Ageless Artist community on Substack over the next year “The Jetpack Club” ! Our first live meeting was December 11th and it was quite lovely to meet you all !
My body and my brain are lighter now.
I am appreciating the absence of colour outside as we have had so much snowfall -while also paying attention to the little dried bits of weeds and grasses that nudge through the drifts and the cheery winter birds who have arrived to feed on our stray chicken feed once more.
How do you plan to nurture yourself over this season ?
I have made a few more winter theme paintings over the past month or so which I will start listing in my shop today. I think the postal service will be delayed until January however due to backlog related to the strike so please order if you feel patient to wait a bit ! my art shop

A few events like a broken snowblower, a cat bite and a sick cat in a storm made life interesting for a week -but my bite has healed and our cat is well again so all is well once more.
a page from my weekly comic journal
It’s almost that time of year again and I am choosing soulful reflections over fruitcake .
Each year the evidence of Christmas is a little less apparent in our home- and I’m finding it a bit delightful to be honest. I’ve enjoyed a few recent gatherings with friends and communication with family abroad always makes me feel warm and satiated. Our Canada Post strike left me without the yearly ritual of making and sending cards to further away friends ..but I have decided I’ll catch up later.
It seems we are content here with our cats curled up in our laps and the dogs stretched out by the fire and the roosters and pig deep in straw and duvets in their outdoor heated shed.
There are twinkle lights and candles in our little log home and we are warm well fed, healthy and dry.
With recognition that so many are not in our privileged situation in fact -whether a world away with the fear and devastation of war imposed on them or curled up in a doorway with a sleeping bag in our local town ..the merry carols truly don’t resonate the same anymore. . Gift giving has always been a source of seasonal stress for me and I am happy to let that go! I Cannot drum up false cheer -for even for one day. In saying this I am not despondent and maudlin -I appreciate what I have yet continue to hope for a much much better world . I appreciate what age and time has taught me about where I put my energies and focus. Yesterday I was out on the pavement in town with about 20 other dedicated folks in -14 degree weather standing together in support of Palestine . Although I did not last the whole hour due to frozen toes it was still heartwarming to stand in solidarity with these lovely people. If only it were possible to send that love and light out into the world ..
My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to those of you who make the world a slightly better, human place.
My thanks also to all of you who read this newsletter and follow me on my art journey.
My seasonal hope for you is that you have the love you need for yourself -and for others. I also hope that you offer yourself the gift of time - time to create art , to make something from nothing. Your art is a gift to yourself and the world!
Nurture your talent and your practise .
However you choose to celebrate or honour the season may it be right for you and yours.
I will return in 2025 !
Yours in Art
I love this link from Greenpeace Canada -It was from”Black Friday” but probably is relevant every day of the year ;-) Thank you
(photo from Greenpeace link above!)
Happy new year to you, Heather! Sounds like a peaceful holiday. Cat bite fever is a thing so I’m so glad to read it’s better!
Thank you for that lovely article. hope your bite has healed since you wrote this. I've started leaving my phone downstairs and avoiding it so I don't get sucked into social media. I do chair yoga with hubby almost every morning and I enjoy my walk with the dogs outside. I'm hoping for a year with more reading less screen time.