Thanks Heather for your lovely motivating early Saturday morning read with my quiet coffee. Like Helen, I'm amazed that you are able to sketch when you are on holiday. I'm still living a busy extended family life, but I'm getting much better at setting aside creative time each day which brings me joy. And, I had to laugh at your "glazed look" comment when people pass by your artwork at shows. This happens to me with my textiles at markets, but then you get the one or two who are interested in your work and stop to chat and/or buy.

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Thanks for your kind words Nora ! I was able to sketch often as my daughter and son in law were both working -so I had time on my own -unfettered! I'm cheered to hear you are able to conserve some creative time for yourself!

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Great article, Heather! How lovely to see that second photo of the row of houses, it looks so UK! Thank you for taking us with you. Loved seeing your sketches and that pint on the table in the pub! Brilliant! Your trip looks like it was the perfect change of scenery needed to remind you that you are an artist. I've never been able to do art when I am travelling with others, so I admire that you found the time every day to connect with your creative core.

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Thank you Helen..The change of scenery and everyday experience was definitely a tonic for me. I carried my pencils and tiny sketchbook wherever I went and this also passed time in a pleasant way while in a cafe or sipping a pint while waiting for my daughter to join me after her work. I think being away from my typical schedule and domestic tasks also allowed me to free up my head to draw!

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Thank you for the mention Heather! Your sketches are lovely ❤️ I agree with you, joy and fulfilment are the most important parts of a creative life, no matter if you live from your art or not.

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You are most welcome Lisa ! I continue to enjoy your posts and perspective as an artist

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Well said Heather! I am quite enjoying making art or knitting or planning my garden without having to create for an exhibit or deadline. Making art can take many forms and I am learning to just allow which ever form to fit in with my current lifestyle.

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Thanks Patti -and I agree there are so many ways we can express ourselves as creatives without external (and internal ) pressures!

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Thanks so much Heather! This was a great way to start the day . I have also lived the artists life and look back on so many fond memories and creative times. Life is still busy and creative and when it gets too much I go for walks in the forests nearby. Making art true to ourselves is the ultimate challenge leading to personal sovereignty and the success of our being.

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I agree wholeheartedly Robert ..Thank you!

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When I was younger I did all those things, art exhibitions, galleries, art fairs. Etsy was in the background and I sold here and there for a few years. Now I'm older 'fame and fortune' don't interest me any more! 🫣 I'm at a sort of crossroads with my art making and thinking about what my goals are now.

Love your sketches you did while staying in England!😍

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Hi Jess ..it sounds like you and I are in that same lovely place with our art making :-)

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