Why Ageless Artist?
I became suddenly enlightened this year that I was no longer the adult artist that I had been accustomed to . It was a “woke up one morning and experience the revelation” that I was the same person inside with a brand new exterior. I had been blatantly ignoring all these subtle tweaks of change as I hurtled through working week days and crammed in my artistic time over each precious minutes of my weekends and nights ..Now I am retired from that other life and plunging myself in to full time art practise-something I have dreamed of for so many years. I am loving it yet I see the personal and public perceptions of me have undergone a sea change.
Have I been nodding off since I was 50..55? ..Or was I too busy to notice?
My sense of identity and contribution to the world had been wrapped around this pressured existence-and a need to stay on and vital . Now there are days which are endless and marked quite differently. It’s mostly glorious and good. “Seniors” discounts are a nice frill yet..
Who are we when we make our way through this passage called life in our so called “Golden years” Well ..the same of course in many ways -yet different.
I do not see my artist peers often on social media -or their wonderful faces . Rarely do I see their accomplishments or struggles in a public forum (Unless they have received lifetime achievement accolades etc-or worse that they are deceased!)
It often seems that the online world is full of lovely edited /curated photos and profiles and becomes increasingly an exclusive club that only the computer /tech savvy may comfortably enter.
The art that I make now-and have made for over 20 years seriously-is not a hobby or a past time. it is my life’s work. I believe we all can be viable, successful and energized contributors to the Art community -and to our community where we live!!
Art is indeed Age-less
If this resonates for you and your experience..or even someone you know and care about then I believe you are in the right place.
I wish to include you in my journey
My hope is to create a community of Ageless Artists who can contribute and grow with this discourse. I will send regular newsletters (at least bi weekly to start)
I welcome your commentary and expect that we will respect other’s thoughts whether like our own or not .
I will also offer my companion post “My Ephemeral Imagination” once monthly where you will experience a more personal side of my art life - photos of new work, process and the occasional demo video . This will take the place of my old EI blog and current newsletter /blog accessed through my website
I am offering this newsletter free of charge now (and always) and perhaps adding options as the need rises for paid subscribers
Please let me know your initial thoughts ..I am hoping that you can help keep me relevant and your interest piqued by these posts ..Are you an Ageless artist? What sort of content might inspire you ?
If you followed me in newsletters/blogs over the years how might I stay true to your expectations ?
As a 50+ artist myself I have much to share re my personal journey and current experiences and look forward to hearing about yours!