I am cozying up to the ochres , umbres and siennas of the now almost barren landscape outside my home. Today is a particularly dark grey sky day -and the warm earthy shades of the land are more pronounced . The extra tall corn which obscured our view this past summer was just harvested and bits of sharp corn stalks dot the earth beyond our fenceline , exposing the field and the treeline beyond The Autumn’s colourful display is long past ..and we are viewing the steadfast evergreens and the leafless branches of maples and other deciduous neighbours adjusting to this new normal..until next April or May. . A few empty nests cling to their bare branches reminding me of the cycle of life that we welcome every Spring in this Ontario, Canada countryside. After returning from the Highlands in Scotland these delicious warm shades of Fall truly resonate for me -and remind me of there.
I will gather a few more fallen crabapples by the roadside still crisp for Winston the pig.
It’s interesting how colours reach out and grab me -influencing my art making ..urging me to stray further into deeper tones.

A few of these larger Scotland inspired mixed media paintings will be available in my shop soon ! There is a national postal strike here currently -so I am reluctant to list until it has been resolved . They can be previewed now and I will keep you in the know ;-)
I am determined to paint, draw and sketch what is in my mindset and Scotland continues to loom large in my psyche .. Who would have ever thought I would be enraptured by grey skies and rugged terrain?
How does your landscape or natural world influence your art? Do you have a favourite natural outdoor setting which keeps recurring in your making?
I work in different sizes/dimensions . This week I feel compelled to work small ! These 4 1/2 x 61/2 “ size mixed media paintings on watercolour paper make my art more accessible -and would look lovely matted and framed!

the tiny Scottish series (with a few stray cats!)
Cats have been on my mind also- hence their inclusion in a few of these mini paintings .
Speaking of cats…
Have you adjusted to the annual Autumn time change as of yet? Falling back -turning our clocks back one hour used to feel like a warm comforting indulgence in my younger years. I could sleep in an extra hour! Heavenly!
But now it’s a totally different story. My body is hardwired to wake up early at exactly the same time daily -5 am -5:30 am. I am not a night owl so it’s not uncommon for me to be lights off at 8 or 9pm . Thankfully I have rebelled against the artificial non democratically imposed time change by sticking to my old time (for sleeping) . I keep a second clock visible for appointments etc during the day but otherwise follow my bodies desire to stay on track year round.
This works fairly well until ..
One or more of our animal companions kick up a nocturnal fuss !
Currently it’s my sweet tuxedo cat Gus who has decided to wake with persistent yeowling at 2 am and 3 am and now 4 am . ..
With our numerous ineffective methods of trying to calm him -He only wants to go outside ..and then return moments later. He is happy to snuggle in the bed -for a little while. I am thinking a type of feline senility has crept in. So my sleep is currently shattered . I’m an ultra light sleeper..So he never fails to wake me . I am a walking Zombie in daylight these days. Reminiscent of those sleep deprived days of early motherhood!

a recent typical night in our home ..
He can be excused and forgiven for being 16 years old or so. (In the wee hours of the night however, this kind sentiment is not in my brain)
and the daytime…
No care in the world ..all nicely rested and ready to go !
How do you deal with insomnia or night time disturbances . ?
The Tiny Original series (inspired by the lovely town of Cromarty and The Scottish Highlands will be available for preview starting today this way to my Art! (spot the cats!)
Shipping is now free in North America and I will consider mailing to other locales..just ask! (that is when the postal strike is resolved !)
Thanks so much for reading Ageless artist !
So much green here, and so hard to match, for me. I find I’ve been spinning so fast from school that I’m missing soaking in the green. We don’t change our clocks here and the light is only about half an hour different. By 7pm it is pretty dark. Feeling the winter coming. Thank you for sharing this Heather!
I waited for my morning coffee to read your 'delicious' essay Heather. :D As always, your writing connects to my experiences. This year I am also finding it harder to adjust to the time change (I'm glad there is a movement to let it go sometime soon). I, too, have furbabies reminding me of their internal clock which does not accept superficial time changes. And I have the time to reflect that they are correct - when we are hungry we should eat; when we are tired we should sleep: etc lol At this time of year, I feel the urge to hibernate, slow down and reflect. As my past trip to Europe continues to bring a smile to my face, I am currently creating a collage display of my experiences - bike riding on Île de Ré; eating croissants and café au lait with only the crows as companions in Les Tuileries; a beautiful and special wedding in Hackney; a boat ride along the canal from Little Venice to Camden Market... I love that your travels show up so often in your artworks Heather. All that we are truly encompasses all our experiences - so let's focus daily on what makes us breathe deeply. <3