On this Halloween night (in North America) we will be greeted by an abundance of ghosts,witches , monsters as the trick or treaters will don costumes and collect treats in the reflections of carved pumpkins lit from within by candles. Children running from house to house under watchful eyes of their parents curbside. Some adults will choose horror movies to watch, others will host costume parties..It’s a day which contemplating our darker sides is celebrated and encouraged . As children (and sometimes adults) we could dress up and be someone or something different; remarkable and perhaps even a bit scary. As a child Halloween ranked second to Christmas as an extra special tradition to me . The rituals of pumpkin carving , dressing up at school and at night, and of course the trick or treating and stash at the end of it all made it a day to anticipate.
Halloween 1961
Some of my early childhood influences were Alfred Hitchcock, the Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, The Avengers ..Comic books -Casper the friendly ghost,Wendy witch..Classic illustrated ..The Invisible Man, Frankenstein ..You see where I’m going.
I loved the ghost rides at the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) I loved being scared -but not too much!
Over the years I have had several experiences where I believe I was in the presence of a spirit/or a ghost . The latest being while I worked in my art studio in The Owen Sound Courthouse -which had the reputation for several documented hauntings and paranormal events .
Reading this newsletter from a local writer on Substack
opened up a memory of my ghostly experiences in this historical building :As an artist who formerly rented studio space upstairs in the Old Courthouse I experienced many creepy episodes in the building .. From windows that were fastened -blowing open when I returned in winter to the space , to orbs captured in photos , to pushpins somehow fastened to the impossibly high ceilings and unexplained noises all of the time. I spent alot of time alone there and tended to race down the stairs after leaving my studio in the dark ! That aside the building was very endearing to myself and other artists and musicians !
Sometimes I’m told that my portraits and paintings are a little creepy . I prefer to call them moody —and believe that images of people from turn of the century photos already tend to lean towards the severe or maudlin. Unsmiling faces were more normal than not.(I have heard that subjects had to be very patient as a sitting for one’s portrait could be a lengthy affair )
I was fortunate to have participated in two separate exhibitions to show/highlight my particular interest in dark subjects and the paranormal .
The first was called “In Spirit” and was a creative collaboration between two galleries -the Art gallery of Burlington and The Tom Thomson Art Gallery 2015/16. I was invited to participate in the along with two other talented artists.
The three of us explored the belief in Ghosts in our works -at times literally and also metaphorically

In 2020 I was invited to submit work to yet another similar themed art event called “Afterlife” at the Museum in Kingston Ontario . This multidimensional/ experiential exhibit encouraged participation from its audience and was conceived from the historical seances that were occurring in this area featuring the ghost of Thomas Lacey. several artists explored themes surrounding death that were meant to “challenge and enlighten” It included an intimate seance experience with actual recordings form. the 1960’s
It was special in both instances that I could indulge myself in the exploration of the darker side with gusto!

A short video about the Afterlife exhibit
Even if I don’t have the opportunity to display my art in an exhibit that is theme based I am conscious that my portraits of people continue to reveal a slightly mysterious side
A page from my sketchbook
I remind myself that I love to draw/collage /paint what attracts me in the moment .
I am thankful to those of you who appreciate and “get” my art!
The art we create may not to be to all tastes but it’s good to know that regardless we must be true to our own artist self
If you would like to check out my art and see for yourself .. ;-). heathermurray.net
Happy Halloween!
Boo ! A neighbour’s creative Halloween expression !
Good stuff, Heather! Best lookin' Jack-o-lantern I've ever seen.......
When I was young we didn't carve pumpkins or do anything around Halloween time. I hadn't even heard of Trick or Treating until the day my daughter came home from school and said about it and I was horrified!🤣 It's ok, after all these years I'm used to it now!🐈⬛🖤🎃 Happy Halloween!🖤🎃👻🕷️