A walk with Gracie on our country road this morning
We are back home after our week long journey to the Scottish Highlands . The Autumn leaves are at their showiest and the weather has stayed mild and sunny -a perfect welcome. Now that my head is cleared from a cold virus and jet lag I am reflecting on all that has contributed to a slightly lighter step .
Being well again is paramount . I feel grateful it was just a virus of discomfort and inconvenience rather than more. I rested as needed but I have had little energy for creative pursuits ..
Cromarty ,Scotland
Travel is a winding road of adventure and misadventure . The kindness and good will of others prevailed. On this trip my husband lost his passport (Left it hidden in a BnB) and.. found it again . Our most lovely hosts even offered to deliver it to the next town we stayed in. I lost a pair of boots just purchased by leaving them (the same day!) on the bus ..and by the end of the trip 5 days later they were returned to the bus station a few hours before we had to leave! (In the meantime I bought another pair and we discovered another local town by train in the process . )
There were many silver linings along the way . Travelling by bus, train and foot offered us the opportunities to observe and be among the people.
A couple of nights in the pub conversing and sharing time with others and simply just breathing in the communal energies with a crackling wood fire close by. We returned back to the town where I did my artist residency two years ago and introduced my partner to this special place.
Something about the convergence between nature , land and preserved history emanating from the bricks and stone, fossils and shells on the shoreline endeared me further to Scotland..
We were most thankful for a tour of the Black Isle and beyond by
a like minded human and fellow artist who provided us with local history , gorgeous vistas and shared his love of this beautiful part of the world with us. His generosity was special and much appreciated.All of our encounters with others provided warmth and a human element beyond the striking unforgettable landscape . Indulging in the best porridge ever, fresh salmon and the bounty of jacket potatoes fueled my body along the way.
Being open to flexing truly helps! Airports , changes , travel snags -all are part of the journey! The extra stimuli and all the sensory experiences compound to offer a temporary escape from our typical world.
Upon return home we were extra grateful for our caring pet sitters who went that extra mile to ensure all of our animal companions were well and happy .
(dealing with and tolerating early morning whining wakeups from our senior cats and roosters - and chasing our mischievous Jack Russell in their pjs as just a couple of examples of their superior tolerance and care!)

This has all been a reminder to me about the beauty and kindness of humans . Yes the sights and experiences we had along our travels were remarkable -but even more so the many positive interactions with others.
a small quick sketch of the view outside my window in Cromarty, Scotland
I’d like to think that it was due to this recent trip away to Scotland which offered another perspective. The majestic mountainous scenery , the historical rugged stone architecture, the shimmering rivers and seaside were a tonic.
I did not post my travel photos on Facebook and Instagram -A first.
Staying away from posting and scrolling on social media for one month so far has lifted and shifted my mood and spirits dramatically .
I have continued to connect with alternative news sources and longer form writers so have not been cut off for world events -yet somehow the agitation has diminished. I do not feel any more positive about what is happening in Gaza , Lebanon and beyond -and continue to view it as the Genocide it is - and a threat to humanity. My faith currently in Western leadership is zero.
However despite all of this- my head feels a little more able to take in the horror by not submitting myself to a constant barrage of posts. (Including my own postings!)
I am not turning off or away from my values about the gross injustices of the world but rather exposing myself to them in bite sized portions and via writers that offer depth and credibility and honest reporting.
A little more on this in my recent Artist Jet Pack post:
The experience of being away in a foreign land and removing myself from social media has presented an alternative view. I do not propose that everyone should or even can travel ,and consider myself very fortunate to have the means to do so.
I do encourage you to take little breaks or longer ones from Social media -and your phone if you recognise it’s pull is interfering with your state of well being.
I view it as a wake up to the beauty and possibilities beyond the bleak . A day trip to another location, or stepping into a new experience may offer the stimuli and shift in viewpoint that’s needed to jumpstart one’s psyche and re-energize.
Being away has allowed me to see myself from the outside and with a bit more thoughtfulness and perspective. Now that I am home I can process the experience and apply my learnings to the everyday.
Most of all I received the gift of kindness from others. It is here too -and my eyes are open to notice all the little kindnesses .
Now back to that drawing table!
Thank you for reading Ageless Artist!
Your comments are encouraged and appreciated!
Just reading this on the train on the way back from the Black Isle myself! The landscape is wonderful but as you say, it’s the lovely kind people that make it so special ❤️🏴
What an incredible journey! Inspiration & no social media does the heart good!💝