Last week a pure white cat crossed our country road and entered into the bush. A rare site indeed as it appeared too fancy to be strolling in the bush-Definitely out of context with this environment of well camouflaged animals. Was it a stray.?.Had it been dumped? ..Or did it simply wander from a neighbour’s property? I prepared a plan in my head of how I would put a notice in neighbours mailboxes and check the lost animal lists on line and try to catch it humanely if necessary . It never reappeared but I am always on the alert when a domestic animal appears to be running free. With cars and trucks barrelling down our gravel roads and hungry coyotes amidst us the risks for a stray are high. We have welcomed into our home an assortment of stray cats over the years when they have been drawn to our doorstep.
Life isn’t quite as long now -at least not like the ever flowing passage of time before us when we were much younger. We recognise the commitment involved in taking in another young cat . Suddenly 15-20 years (the typical lifespan of a cat) ahead of us seems unpredictable ! We also are contemplating moving across the ocean at some point (but that’s for another newsletter!)
I have been thinking of how I am inching up to seventy years old and its caused me to think deeply about who I am and where I am -and what I still wish to do with this very precious life . If you notice I didn’t say accomplish and I am certainly not goal setting for myself either. I have bristled over the years when asked about my goals and have always felt I can plan but my own natural resistance to being molded and shaped will inevitably surface -and win.
I injured myself a few months ago by taking an unplanned acrobatic tumble over a bottom drawer in my kitchen -and even though I think of myself as invincible my body (and back!) told me otherwise. I have thankfully been healing with regular exercise and the help of a kind chiropractor.. But truly it would have been an event that only caused a few bruises and embarrassment in earlier years! I feel a little more fragile and breakable now but thankfully not so much that I won’t strive to stay active and as strong as I can be.
A persistent summer cold recently sapped me of my energy and social time but offered me some kind of strange focus to create a series of paintings ..

Appreciating this body is paramount as it is the (only!) one that I have. More often than not I appreciate expending my energies on who and how I can be with others as opposed to how I am reflected physically in their eyes. I can keep working on being my best self. It’s a life’s work.
What and who do you see reflected back at you in the mirror ?
If you are above 50 or 60 ..has this perception changed for you at all?
Making art is an ageless pursuit . When I am totally engaged in making I am in a more cerebral place. I can’t and won’t consider leaving it alone as it’s been a healthy and giving force in my life. Paying attention to what it offers helps me to reflect on what’s important..
That said I cannot totally divide myself into compartments which ignore my values and beliefs . As an artist ..I also open my mind to the suffering of others, the inequalities , hardships and injustices that don’t seem to go away.
This past week I have been experimenting with sketches using graphite paint and pencil .I adore the moody dark washes . Up until yesterday I didn’t think too much of my choices of subject matter or why I was dabbling away with this medium .
I was a bit lost for meaningful subjects to paint and then a lightbulb clicked on.
Rather than feeling helpless daily about the heartbreak of Palestine and the incredible losses and devastation the people are experiencing there I needed to “do something” again. Protesting locally, signing petitions and speaking out in social media feel like not quite enough.
I have been drawn to capturing the beauty of Palestine past -people and places and although my art is not being crafted for profit -I thought that perhaps the sketches could be part of a series for a new personal fundraiser for Gaza . The moody quality of this medium lends itself to the subjects I feel.I have not decided on a recipient yet -so far I have raised money (from lovely people like yourself ) to UNRWA and Doctors without Borders in two previous fundraisers . I will consider recommendations for other charitable groups who directly assist those most affected by the genocide and occupation. I will let you know when the art will be available for this fundraiser . (I will also be including a few original sketches of mine from Sarah Dyer’s Live draws over past few months )
Here are a couple of Substack writers who expressed my thoughts re “doing something rather than nothing..”
Two essays by the remarkable
:And the third by this talented writer I have recently discovered :
Before we say 'this is not who we are'.... ...who are we?
Yesterday an old clock on our mantel which was gifted to us from friends started ticking on its own. it hasn’t been wound for years.
It made me think of all we do not understand.
It also made me think about why I love wind up clocks that tick -like they have a life; a heartbeat.
In the time we are allotted on this beautiful earth it feels imperative not to waste it.
I am aware I am a small element in this world and when standing in our neighbours cornfield I feel even more diminished .
One at a time we can make a difference ..x
“One person can change the world “-Rosa Parks
How will you spend your precious time ?
I welcome and appreciate your comments
Thanks for reading Ageless Artist x
Good to hear from another ageless artist , I am 81 and still in full production. Age enhances our existence in so many ways.
What a wonderful piece, Heather. Thank you! I'm a writer closing in on 60, and a farmer who does everything by hand and is starting to feel like the latter is not as physically sustainable for me as it once was. The exercise, sunshine and fresh air are great, but the increasingly hot summers are proving increasingly difficult for me to weather (pardon the pun). I really love what you're doing for Palestine! A marvelous small clothing company out of Chicago called "Wear the Peace" (founded by Palestinian refugees) has been donating 100% of their profits to two outfits on the ground and their transparency is remarkable. No big administrative overheads, you can see things going right to the people. One is Human Concern International and the other is the Pious Project. I'm sorry I don't have links, but the wearthepeace folks are very responsive. I'm sure if you contacted them they could tell you how to get in touch. If I can afford it, I'd love to buy one of your pieces!